Goal: To run VBScript using CFexecute using command base script Cscript.exe
Environment: ColdFusion 10, Windows7 , 64 bit Machine.
My VB Script(Excel.vbs) performs simple office automation .
So first I tried with command line to run Excel.VBS.
C:\Windows\System32 > cscript //nologo D:\Excel.vbs D:\test.xls
and got expected o/p Success (Good my Excel VBS is correct)
Now, I have to see whether CF runs correctly or not.
So I use cfexecute to run Excel.VBS.
<cfexecute name = "C:\Windows\System32\CScript.exe"
arguments = "//NoLogo D:\Excel.vbs D:\test.xls"
variable = "savedOutput"
timeout = "3600">
<cfdump var="#savedOutput#">
But, I got this error message -
Error: 424 Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error Description: Object required
Then what is wrong with ColdFusion, same VBScript is running using command line but CFExecute throws error.
So I tried two things :
- Checked whether account which runs ColdFusion is having admin rights or not?
- Yes CF running with Admin privilege.
- Tried using batch file
batchFile.bat :@echo off
pushd %~dp0
cscript cscript //nologo D:\Excel.vbs D:\test.xls
<cfexecute name = "D:\batchFile.bat"
variable = "savedOutput"
arguments="/C /Q"
timeout = "3600">
<cfdump var="#savedOutput#">
Same Error: 424 Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error Description: Object required
After checking some threads on office automation I found this solution.
We have to add the Desktop folder in the systemprofile and system32 folder to open file by Excel if you have Windows Service or IIS on Windows 7 x64 (dev machine) and Server 2008 x64.
So I added Desktop folder under these 2 directories -
O/P: Now my cfexecute code gives success and VBScript performs desired office operation.
Also, verify that ColdFusion is allowed to "Interact with Desktop" is enabled or not on Services.
Note: If you are doing office automation then you have to add the Desktop folder inside systemProfile irrelevant of technology you are using under above Environments.
Hope it helps you :)